2nd gen red 1963 Chevrolet Corvette convertible For Sale
US $72000
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Year of Manufacture1963
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2nd gen red 1963 Chevrolet Corvette convertible For Sale.
My uncle bought this car when he got out of the service in 1965. In California. He used it for a daily driver if you can believe it. A few years ago I bought it from him . He is in his 80s now and hadn’t driven it for a few years.
It’s a hardtop car and it’s the base 250HP numbers matching. The only things he did was change the Riverside red to Russo Red Ferraris richest red and put high end leather interior and carpet. The paint in the door jams looks just as good as the paint on the car. The interior is flawless also. He had the motor rebuilt to the 340hp specs and the tranny beefed up also. It has between 50 to 60K on the motor. I never had it tested but my mechanic that owns Pittsburgh hot rods says it’s definitely between 300 & 340 hp.
When I got it I completely had the whole undercarriage redone with all original parts because all the rubber was gone from sitting. I also had the car coated with Graphene which is more durable than ceramic and every year I bring it back to get cleaned up and it looks amazing and you never need to wash it you just spray it and wipe it down if it gets dirty. The car has never seen rain and has always been in a garage with heating and air. Not one spot of rust anywhere either.
Since I’ve had it I’ve put almost 30 grand in it and I only take it on two trips a year down to Raleigh to see family in the summer. Over 300 miles and I run 70 to 80 the whole time and knock on wood never have I broke down.
If this car isn’t one of the nicest looking and driving original 63s that you have seen and if you come to see it I’ll pay for your travel. That’s how confident I am .
$72,000 OBO
Contact details – savyluv@hotmail.com
Car located in – Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US.
Makes: 1963-1967 Chevy Corvette (C2).