What To Go Looking For In A Towed Water Bowser
Posted by Admin at 17 February 2018, at 19 : 55 PM

Water bowser is the general term given to a tank on a framework for transporting water on the highway or around a site. Water bowsers generally have pumps and hoses to make more use of the water once you’ve reached your site. If you want your water bowser to last along time and provide good service there are a few things to have a look for before you make your acquisition.
The chassis: This is mostly a frame trailer, simplest form is a flat bed with a hard board bed, a much better option is a galvanized steel trailer frame designed specially for the tank. Road going water bowsers should have suspension, inertia brakes, a jockey wheel to help move the bowser when not connected to the towing automobile. A good frame will have a plate for mounting pumps and other hardware.
The Tank: This should be as low a practical to have a low centre of gravity which should aid with steadiness, typically made for rotary moulded hard plastic or some older tanks are galvanized steel. To enhance road manners further, the tank should be baffled to stop the water shifting and surging in transit. To make use of the water there should be an outlet, usually at the rear, and a 2? dump valve is a good addition to make allowance for a total drain down and it makes cleaning the inner of the tank simpler.
Pumps etc… If the frame has a plate for extra apparatus then pumps, pressure washers or hose reels can be mounted, this is what makes the bowser so very versatile. Pressure washers or power cleaners are favored for contract cleaners, used to scrub graffiti, chew gum and general street cleaning. Also favored by builds, ship yards and car workshops. Low pressure pumps are good for watering and irrigation for plant pots, golf courses and plant nursery’s. And with a spray jet nozzle these bowsers are very good of dust control.